Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers
In South Florida

A dual diagnosis occurs when you experience both a substance use disorder and a mental health condition at the same time. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health notes that approximately 45% of Americans have a dual diagnosis. This addresses the need for dual-diagnosis treatment centers in Florida.

In the past, those struggling with both a substance use disorder and a mental health condition were often directed by their healthcare providers to get sober first before attempting to address any mental health issues.

While at the time, that was a valid request based on the research available, today it is much different. Studies have shown just how connected substance use disorders and mental health conditions are, prompting healthcare providers to now address both conditions simultaneously.

Signs and symptoms of co occuring disorders

Signs & Symptoms

So, how does someone know if they have a dual diagnosis? The key to identifying a dual diagnosis is education. The more educated they are, the more likely it is they will be able to catch the red flags in themselves or in others and seek the best care.

The signs and symptoms of dual diagnosis depend on a number of factors. For instance, not all people with a dual diagnosis have the same type of substance use disorder or mental health condition.

However, though these disorders present themselves differently, there are many signs and symptoms that are common among those with a dual diagnosis.

They include the following:

  • Abusing drugs or alcohol despite known risks
  • Continuing drug use despite consequences
  • Unexplained mood swings
  • Financial problems due to substance abuse
  • Risky behaviors
  • Confused thinking
  • Problems concentrating
  • Can’t communicate well with others
  • Changes in appearance
  • Easily overwhelmed
  • Being agitated or irritated
  • Can’t control emotions

Risks of Untreated Dual Diagnosis

The good news is that dual diagnosis is treatable. At our dual diagnosis treatment center in South Florida, we are experts at identifying and treating dual diagnoses. With the right care and approach, one can learn how to stay in control of their symptoms. However, left untreated, dual diagnosis isn’t only dangerous, but also fatal.

Some of the risks associated with not receiving proper treatment include:

Addiction Treatment Programs

Worsening symptoms

Both the symptoms of a substance use disorder and mental health condition can worsen the longer one puts off treatment. For example, symptoms such as irritability can cause someone to become aggressive and violent. Additionally, continuing to abuse drugs or alcohol can lead to an overdose.

holistic addiction treatment

Increased risk for additional
mental health problems

It is not uncommon for substance abuse to induce an additional mental health condition, which can complicate an already complex situation. Continued substance abuse, regardless of the kind of substance, can lead to the development of depression and/or anxiety disorders. Additionally, untreated mental disorders like generalized anxiety disorders can develop into more serious disorders, such as panic disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. The sooner someone gets treatment, the less likely these issues can develop.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Physical and psychological

Continued substance abuse impacts all areas of the body, including the brain and vital organs. Depending on what substance someone is abusing, they can suffer vital organ failure, seizures, brain damage, and physical injuries like broken bones, for example. Despite this, finding treatment as quickly as possible can greatly reduce the risk of experiencing physical and psychological damage.

How Is Dual Diagnosis Treated?

Our dual-diagnosis treatment center in South Florida offers a comprehensive approach, ensuring we meet all of our client’s needs. Both their substance use disorder and mental health condition are always at the forefront of their treatment plan.

Dual diagnosis treatment uses a modality known as an integrated intervention. Integrated intervention is an all-encompassing form of treatment that addresses the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs as clients work to overcome their challenges. For example, if someone are struggling with an opioid use disorder and depression, part of the treatment may include the use of medications that can help curb withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Additionally, someone may obtain medications that can help treat symptoms of depression at the same time. Fortunately, our team of professionals can work to ensure that any and all medications they consume do not negatively interact with one another and are not high risk for being abused. Their depression treatment may also require them to engage in several motivational interviewing sessions with a therapist. In sum, this helps encourage them to continue working toward recovery.

Both medical and mental health professionals conduct integrated interventions, which allows someone to reap the greatest benefits of treatment. As a result, they work collectively to continue to alter the treatment plan if needed so they can keep working towards their recovery goals.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Structure in Florida:

1. Detox

The most important step to take when treating a dual diagnosis is to ensure that all addictive, mind-altering substances are cleared from one’s system. This can be done through professional detox services. At this time, staff will ensure that the individual is stabilized enough to begin therapeutic care to address their mental health status.


2. Therapy

Therapy serves as the core of treatment for both mental health conditions and substance use disorders. When it comes to treating a dual diagnosis with therapy, the ones that are most commonly utilized include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), individual psychotherapy, and group counseling.

3. Medications

Each individual has their own needs when being treated for a dual diagnosis. These needs might demand prescription medication for either or both the substance use disorder and the mental health condition. There are specific medications designed to help with withdrawal symptoms and cravings for those addicted to certain substances. In addition, medications can help treat mental health conditions. When prescribed one or both, individuals who can benefit from their use can begin healing.

Mood and Personality Disorder Treatment in West Palm Beach

4. Aftercare

Following up with good self-care after receiving treatment for a dual diagnosis is vital. This can include attending support groups for the specific type of mental illness one is experiencing. Another option is traditional 12-Step groups to address addiction and/or alcoholism.

We’re just a phone call away!

Living with a dual diagnosis can be extremely challenging. It is not necessary to continue to live this way without getting help from dual-diagnosis treatment centers.

Benefits Of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

There are countless benefits associated with getting the best dual diagnosis treatment available; the most important of these being, regaining control of one’s life. Other benefits of dual diagnosis treatment centers in Florida include:

Find Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Florida

At our dual diagnosis treatment centers in West Palm Beach and Singer Island, FL, we provide top-level dual diagnosis treatment for all who come through our doors. Our team of trained and certified professionals goes above and beyond to ensure that all clients with a dual diagnosis begin developing a life that is free from the confines of this particular condition.
If you are struggling, visit our admissions page and begin the process right now. We can help.
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