Kratom Addiction Treatment That Works

Kratom is a relatively new high-inducing substance in North America. Native to Thailand, Kratom actually comes from the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree. When the leaves are ground up to make Kratom tea, or dried for chewing they can cause a euphoric high similar to that of mild opioids. Although this drug does not have a lot of research about its effects presently, it is believed that Kratom could be as potentially addictive as other opioids and does have the possibility for abuse. Because of this, we recommend reaching out to an addiction specialist at a qualified rehabilitation treatment center near you if you are struggling with addiction to Kratom or some other controlled substance. Here at Ambrosia Treatment Center, we utilize the latest in drug abuse treatments, including contingency management and cognitive-behavioral therapy. These treatments have proven to be effective for people with substance abuse issues to drugs like Kratom. We help people understand and focus their energy on the benefits of continued abstinence from drug use instead of on the drug itself through motivational enhanced therapy. And in our cognitive behavioral therapy, individuals learn skills to help them deal with addiction-related situations as they arise.

There is help if you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction to a drug like Kratom. Don’t feel as though you have to do it all alone. At Ambrosia Treatment Center, we have three locations throughout Florida and one in Pennsylvania. We offer a holistic and supportive approach within our nationally-recognized rehab program that focuses on each one of our client’s individual needs.

What Is Kratom?

As mentioned above, Kratom is a psychotropic drug derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa tree. At this time in the United States, it is not illegal, and is considered a recreational use drug, although the DEA has listed it as a ‘drug of concern.’ Because it is not illegal there is the misconception that it is a safer way to get high than other more illicit substances like heroin. There are two compounds found in kratom leaves, mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxymitragynine, which produce opposite effects depending on the dosage. When small amounts are taken either by chewing or drinking Kratom tea users experience increased energy and alertness. When large doses are ingested the drug becomes a sedative and has the ability to block pain. The effects of the drug can be felt in as little as 5-10 minutes and may last up to 2-5 hours according to the DEA. On the street, Kratom also goes by the names Thom, Ketum, Biak, Kakuam, and Thang.

Side Effects of Kratom

The full effects of Kratom are still being studied, however, the following side effects have been noted:

  • Nausea or loss of appetite
  • Dry mouth
  • Itching or sweating
  • Constipation
  • Increased urination
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations and in some cases, psychosis symptoms have been reported

It is possible to get high on Kratom and overdose, especially when it is taken in conjunction with other mind-altering substances like other opiates or alcohol. Because Kratom is so new to the market it is largely purchased online and as such, there is a significant risk of it being tampered with and laced with some other substance. When this is the case it greatly increases the risks of an overdose. If you believe you or a loved one has overdosed on Kratom it is imperative you seek medical attention right away or call the Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222 for more instruction.

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How To Tell If You Are Addicted To Kratom

Kratom alters the opioid receptors of the brain in a similar way as that of other opiates. Users can quickly become dependent upon the euphoric feelings which it creates and find it difficult to stop using.

Some signs of dependence on Kratom after long-term use to watch for would include:

  • Weight loss or anorexia
  • A frequent need to urinate
  • Skin discoloration
  • Insomnia
  • Needing a larger dose to feel the drug’s effects
  • Cravings for and obsessive thoughts about the drug
  • Continued use at the objection of friends and family
  • Feelings of isolation and hiding usage from friends and family

Although Kratom is technically classified as an herbal supplement there can still be uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to discontinue use of it. These include:

  • Hostility or aggression
  • Muscle tremors or jerky movements
  • Aching muscles and bones
  • Congestion and runny nose
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion or delusion
  • Depression and other emotional changes

Because there is still not a lot known about the long-term effects of using Kratom, even recreationally, it should be approached with caution.

5-Star Kratom Addiction Treatment Center Near You

Ambrosia Treatment Center Drug & Alcohol Rehab & Detox in-patient, out-patient, detoxification, substance abuse rehab centers provide advanced addiction recovery treatment. Get your health, future, and family back with top-rated compassionate care at one of our Drug Alcohol Rehab Centers. Recover at our therapeutic, sun-filled, palm tree-lined, addiction rehabilitation centers. Ambrosia’s drug & alcohol rehab experts have been featured in the media hundreds of times including at CBS, NBC, CNN, Washington Post, Forbes & The Wall Street Journal. You’re in the right place to make real change.

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