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Medication-Assisted Treatment Program in Florida Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a method of treating substance use disorders that involves a combination of medications and talk therapy. Our MAT program at our South Florida detox center is suited to help those in need of additional assistance with the recovery process. For many who need detox, MAT provides [...]

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Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Coping mechanisms are a person’s way of dealing with the many stressors that life throws our way. Whether it’s anger, grief, or any other negative emotion, we all have ways—some good, some not so good—to deal with our feelings. Read on to learn more about healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms. What are Coping Mechanisms? Coping

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Vicodin Addiction Treatment in West Palm Beach, FL

How to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse rates are on the rise in the United States. Learning how to prevent prescription drug abuse can help you to maintain your life without the interruption of prescription drug abuse. But what is prescription drug abuse? What are commonly abused prescriptions? How can you get help if you are abusing prescriptions? Knowing

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Is Detoxing from Benzos Dangerous?

While they are beneficial for the treatment of various mental health and medical conditions, benzodiazepines come with their own set of concerns. Are benzos dangerous? That is a question asked by many Americans who are prescribed these medications, as well as those who buy them illegally on the street. Even when taken as prescribed, these

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What Are the Signs of Depression?

October is National Depression Education & Awareness Month. This month is dedicated to eliminating the stigma of depression and empowering people to support each other more effectively. Learning the signs of depression is a valuable way to protect your health and recognize if someone you care about is struggling. What is Depression? Depression can describe

What Are the Signs of Depression? Read More »

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