How Drug Addiction Ruins Relationships
If you suspect your partner has a problem with drugs or alcohol, it’s important to seek out help early. The earlier you intervene, the better chance you have at helping them overcome this issue.
Addiction in relationships can cause harmful behaviors brought out by the addiction. For instance, your partner may neglect responsibilities which leads to financial problems. If you see any of these signs in your life, talk to your loved ones about what you have observed.
In addition to harming personal relationships, addictions can create major problems within families. As mentioned above, addicts may be physically aggressive towards their partners and children. They may also be verbally abusive towards their spouses and children. Many times, addicts will blame their spouse for their own actions. They may also attempt to control their partner’s activities and finances. They may even threaten to leave if their partner does not comply with their demands.
In some cases, addicts may commit crimes to fund their habits. They may steal from work or home, shoplift, break into homes, or even rob stores. Some addicts may even resort to prostitution to pay for their habits.
There are a few signs that your significant other may be abusing drugs or alcohol. These include:
- Secretive about substance use
- Changes in their behavior
- Change in how they treat you
- Increase in mood swings
- Doing things that make no sense
- Acting angry and violent
- Getting into fights and arguments more often than usual
If you suspect your partner has a problem, it’s important to seek help before things become too far gone. The sooner you intervene, the better chance you’ll have at saving your relationship.
The codependent person relies on their partner for emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical support and may not want to admit they have a problem because it makes them feel bad. They might try to hide their addiction from friends and family members. Codependents may do anything to avoid conflict and confrontation thus enabling their partner’s addiction or to hide their own.
Their drug addicted partner may manipulate others to get what they need. They may take advantage of their partner’s codependent emotional needs and feelings. They may also put themselves first or fail to show empathy and compassion for their partner.
Codependency can lead to serious consequences. It can affect every aspect of a person’s life including their career, friendships, and social interactions. Codependency can also negatively impact a person’s self-esteem.
Some of the symptoms of codependency include:
- Feeling responsible for another person’s happiness and well-being
- Being overly concerned about keeping the peace in a relationship
- Trying to please everyone else instead of yourself
- Trying to fix other people’s problems
- Having unrealistic expectations of yourself and others
- Taking care of everyone but yourself
- Giving up your own dreams so you can keep your partner happy
- Failing to set boundaries
- Unable to say “no” when someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do
- Not taking responsibility for your own actions
- Lack of assertiveness
- Moodiness
- Overly dependent personality traits
The first thing to know is that addiction is not a choice. It’s a disease that affects both parties in a relationship. If one person has an addiction, it doesn’t mean they don’t love their partner or want to stay together. It just means they’ve made poor choices that are harming them and those around them.
An addict who wants to stop using drugs or alcohol will work with their partner to find ways to cope without relying on substances. This includes learning new coping skills such as meditation, exercise, healthy eating habits, etc.
When someone is addicted, they tend to be have trouble with emotional regulation. In other words, their emotions can appear out of control and they lack impulse control. They may have trouble controlling anger and frustration. They may have difficulty managing stress and anxiety.
When someone is addicted, they are unable to think clearly. They may experience memory loss and forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, or lose track of time.
A person who is addicted will often lie to cover up their behavior. They may deny having a problem. They may blame others for their problems. Then the partner, loved one, or friend may accept the abuse, enabling the user to continue using.
If your partner exhibits erratic behavior, it may be because they are abusing substances. This could include anything from being late for appointments, missing out on family events, or not returning phone calls. It’s important to remember that this type of behavior can happen at any stage of addiction recovery.
It’s normal for addicts to feel guilty and ashamed about their behavior. They may even try to hide their use from friends and family members. However, if you notice that your partner is acting erratically, it’s best to talk to them about what’s going on. You can help them get back on track by encouraging them to seek counseling and support groups.
If you notice any of the following behaviors, it may indicate that your partner has a problem with drugs or alcohol:
- Secretive about his/her whereabouts
- Lies to you about using substances
- Refuses to discuss his/her addiction
- Blames you for his/her addiction
If you suspect that your partner is abusing substances, seek help immediately. It’s important to know that if you don’t act now, you could lose your relationship forever.
Can Addiction Treatment Help Rebuild Relationships?
Addiction treatment helps people overcome these underlying issues so they no longer need to rely on substances to cope with difficult situations. When an individual receives treatment, he or she learns how to better manage stress and anxiety, improve communication skills, learn healthier lifestyle habits, and develop coping strategies. These changes allow individuals to live more fulfilling lives without relying on addictive substances, which can help rebuild relationships.
Addiction Treatment in South Florida

Dr. Alam is an internationally renowned psychiatrist with academic affiliations with Northwestern University and University of Illinois, Chicago where he completed his residency training. He has been a principal investigator for over forty studies and has been involved in research leading to the approval of most psychiatric medications currently on the market. He is the founder of the Neuroscience Research Institute which continues to conduct research on cutting edge medication and interventional psychiatry. Dr. Alam is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. He has won several awards and has been featured extensively on radio and television.