PTSD is especially common in first responders, due to the nature of their work. Just one traumatic event alone is enough to cause symptoms of PTSD. But, a daily inundation of danger and tragedy, naturally, can trigger the following symptoms:
- Alcohol, drug, and or food problems
- Flashbacks, nightmares, and recurring thoughts
- A loss of interest in things that once gave you pleasure
- Sleep problems
- Avoidance of people, places, or things that remind you of the trauma
- High reactivity to certain situations
- Emotional numbness
First Responders Treatment
- Because of the frenetic pace of their work, 69 percent of EMS professionals have never had enough time to recover between traumatic events and therefore are more likely to experience post-traumatic stress and other negative mental health symptoms, according to one study.
- Approximately 50 percent of male firefighters reported heavy or binge drinking in the last month, suggesting that substance problems occur at significantly higher rates among first responders.
- With respect to suicide and suicidality, firefighters suffered from a higher suicide attempts and ideation rates than the general population, and in law enforcement, the estimates suggest between 125 and 300 police officers commit suicide every year.

First Responder Specialized Addiction Treatment
First Responder Addiction Program Benefits
Not every facility has a first responder co-occurring diagnosis for addiction and mental health treatment. Those that do may or may not tailor their treatments to first responders’ individual needs. Truly specialized treatment programs for first responders align their therapeutic interventions with the unique culture, code, and values of first responders, as well as the unique nature of emergency responders’ stressors and experiences. These distinctive factors mean first responders also have their own unique mental, emotional and behavioral symptoms and triggers, which are best processed with a first responder therapist (someone whose expertise is assisting this demographic).
Ambrosia Treatment Center Drug Rehab Programs for First Responders
Ambrosia Treatment Center is designed to help first responders overcome specific obstacles and increase their ability to manage emotions during stressful situations without turning to self-medication. Our medical team works to customize a care plan tailored to the underlying issues that contribute to substance use disorders. Patients in the program also meet with therapists whose experience is specialized to meet their treatment needs.
Our evidence-based, holistic treatment approach addresses every individual’s physical, neurological, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We also utilize a peer-support group model— to help improve our patients’ outcomes by placing patients together who have similar backgrounds. This allows patients to feel more comfortable, resulting in better outcomes.
First Responder Ambrosia Addiction Rehab Levels of CarePersonalized treatment approaches are utilized throughout our continuum of care. That continuum consists of these three levels of care, as defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM):
Level 1: Outpatient Services do not require that a patient live on-site at our facility, although designated housing for first responders is available for inpatient care. It permits clients to attend to work and home responsibilities while engaging in group and individual therapies. (Ex: the firefighter above who develops depression might best be served by this option in the earlier stages of his depression.)
Level 2: Intensive Outpatient (IOP) or Partial Hospitalization (PHP) entails significantly more time in group and individual therapies and treatment than do outpatient services, but without the residential requirement.
Level 3: Residential / Inpatient Services are the highest, most intensive level of care for first responders with more severe and co-occurring combined addiction and mental health conditions. Patients are in supervised care 24/7 while receiving a full, intensive day of group and individual therapies. (Ex: the firefighter who waits to get help until he has co-occurring depression and alcoholism will be better served at this level of care.)
Following a program of treatment at one of the above levels of care, Ambrosia clients can also enjoy the many benefits of our Alumni and Aftercare Program, including:
- Our strong alumni support system
- Group meetings like those in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous
- Individual therapy sessions
Unique Features of Ambrosia– Neuro Treatment and a Peer Community of First Responders
“Specialized treatment for first responders” can mean different things at different facilities. Ambrosia is distinguished by a number of unique features, two of which deserve special mention: neuro treatment and a supportive community of fellow first responders alumni.
First Responder Neuro Addiction Treatment
After their admission to our facility, patients may be prescribed a neuroimaging scan of their brain that identifies areas of dysfunction related to PTSD and other mental health symptoms. When patients are able to see empirical evidence of their illness on a scan, many of them are able to let go of their shame and self-stigmatization. They are able to see and accept that they have a verifiable medical condition. Meanwhile, the brain imaging scans allow us to then therapeutically target impaired areas of the brain with rehabilitative technologies that relieve PTSD symptoms and restore brain health.
A Peer Community of Other First Responders
Research has uncovered the healing importance of belonging for first responders who seek rehab. For example, a study at the University of Buffalo found that veterans have better healthcare outcomes when their providers are familiar with military culture and values. From our own experience, too, when first responders can be part of a supportive community of peers, they feel more comfortable sharing and processing their experiences. They are quicker to be open and vulnerable in therapy because they know that the others in the room can truly understand what they are going through. This healing power of peer community is another dimension of treatment at Ambrosia that we have come to find expedites the recovery process, allowing first responders to return more quickly to their families and roles in public service.
Why Choose Ambrosia Treatment Center’s First Responder Program

Help for First Responders

Dr. Alam is an internationally renowned psychiatrist with academic affiliations with Northwestern University and University of Illinois, Chicago where he completed his residency training. He has been a principal investigator for over forty studies and has been involved in research leading to the approval of most psychiatric medications currently on the market. He is the founder of the Neuroscience Research Institute which continues to conduct research on cutting edge medication and interventional psychiatry. Dr. Alam is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. He has won several awards and has been featured extensively on radio and television.