Bath Salts Detox: Abuse Signs, Side Effects & Withdrawal Symptoms
There are multiple risks and known signs of bath salt abuse. The different dangers and symptoms of bath salt abuse include use in combination of other designer drugs sold in the disguise of bath salts.
Recognizing the best ways to notice signs of bath salt abuse and it’s dangers can help someone in need. Withdrawal from bath salts can resemble, and lastly, detox treatments like that from Ambrosia Treatment Center to assist with a bath salt detox to guide you to initial recovery.
The term ‘bath salt(s)’ will be used only to reference the drug. Most bath salts contain a cathinone, which is a natural-occurring amphetamine found in the khat shrub. Amphetamines are a potent sensory system stimulants used to treat narcolepsy, among different disorders.
Abusers of bath salts purchase them in a store and consume them in numerous ways, such as snorting, smoking, ingestion, or even injection. Like all designer drugs, which are made specifically to avoid unlawful status and pass as other substances, there is no exact method to precisely tell what will happen to people who misuse them. Almost no testing is done on bath salt maltreatment in humans.

Signs of Bath Salt Abuse
Between 2001 and 2005, the legitimate sale of bath salts was at its peak, but since bath salts remain being sold lawfully now and again, and are named different items, its ownership doesn’t always correspond with misuse. But there are a few names to pay unique minds to explicitly, kind of slang terms/brand names for bath salts. This includes but is not limited to, Lunar Wave, Purple Wave, Blue Silk, Ivory Wave, Beyond happy, Wake Up, and Automaton, and many more.
Below includes a rundown of indications of bath salt abuse. As mentioned previously, some of these are internal symptoms for only the client, and may not be easy to see, but others are self-evident. Concerning perceiving bath salt maltreatment, the first and very essential sign is unpredictable conduct. If someone you believe might be a bath salt abuser is acting erratically, it is crucial to get yourself sheltered and then proceed with calling 911 as this individual is likely on the substance at this present point and time their conduct is unpredictable.
- Abnormally high energy levels
- Erratic, irrational behavior
- Extreme agitation
- Unprovoked violence
- Extreme confusion
- Hallucinations
- Body temperature fluctuation
- Nausea and vomiting
- Paranoia
- High blood pressure
- Delusion
- Muscle tension
- Significantly decreased appetite
- Kidney pain
April of 2011: Army Medic David Stewart, age 38, murders his five-year-old child by choking him, afterward shoots and slaughters his spouse and, ultimately, himself. He was on bath salts during this.
October of 2015: Travis Bonham, age 31, shoots his mother and then his significant other and quickly exits the home with the weapon still in his possession. He was on bath salts.
July of 2011: Johnny Salazar, while at home with his two young children, sees his five-year-old touching a bible and jumps to the conclusion that the devil possesses his child. Another victim of the misuse of bath salt.
Some different examples of unpredictable, occasionally violent conduct on bath salts include gnawing at a cop vehicle upon arrest, using a knife to stab a goat to death repeatedly, and even eating the family pet dog. It’s hard to understand this, without a doubt, yet it’s a reality. In 2013, about 25,000 trips to the emergency room were identified as bath salt maltreatment in the US. An official death tally isn’t accessible, yet it’s safe to assume and state that thousands have passed away, regardless of whether the physical impacts of the medication killed them or the unsafe conduct because of the drug.
- Heart palpitations
- Dehydration
- Acute headaches
- Unusually high pain tolerance
- Heart attack
- Suicidal thoughts or tendencies
- Liver failure
It is essential to consider that the abuse of bath salts obscures the reality that the user may not entirely know about the aggressive or self-destructive conduct the person is taking part in. The delusions are extremely powerful.
Recognizing Bath Salt Abuse & Stepping In
You can step in and help yourself as well. With bath salts, likewise, with most substances, misuse before long prompts addiction. However, whether or not we’re discussing bath salt abuse or bath salt addiction is hazardous, it’s unregulated, and it can make you a killer! What high might merit that?
Stepping in and mediating with regards to somebody we know has an issue is never a simple activity. We love these individuals, and we would prefer not to hurt them; however, we love them enough to realize they are harming themselves, and maybe at a destructive rate. In such outrageous cases, professional intervention is suggested. With regards to attempting to help somebody you love, remember these tips:
- Do not refer to the person as an addict or accuse them of being a bath salt user.
- Maintain the natural rapport you already have with the person. Acting slightly different will likely arouse suspicion.
- Do not demand the person seeks help. Simply state your concerns.
- Encourage the possibility of support, but do not be forceful.
Withdrawal from Bath Salts
Recollect this; however: any agony or inconvenience felt along the way to recovery will be disregarded once the euphoria of sobriety and everyday living comes hurrying in. Any battle now along the way is undoubtedly justified regardless of the commonality and security of life without abusing bath salts.
What follows is a rundown of bath salt withdrawal symptoms; however, please know that with assistance from us here at Ambrosia Treatment Center, not only can the majority of these be dodged, yet everyone can be assisted. As you read this rundown of side effects, know that stopping without the help of expert treatment puts you considerably more in danger than quitting with the correct assistance.
Bath salt withdrawal symptoms incorporate the following however are not restricted to:
- Restlessness and mild insomnia
- Hallucinations
- Depression
- Paranoia
- Anxiety
- Tremors and gentle convulsions
To emphasize, these side effects are significantly more prone to happen, and considerably more liable to be worse, if someone who is addicted quits utilizing without assistance. Ambrosia Treatment Center can give the entirety of the critical aid for a bath salt addict to start the way to recovery, and the correct way. As referenced, the initial step is detoxification, generally called detox, which securely and successfully removes all hints of the designer drug from the body (plus any other unlawful substance). There is to be a manual on the most proficient method to give detox from bath salts, and we here at Ambrosia Treatment Center may well have composed it.
About Our Bath Salts Detox Program
Drug Detox for Bath Salts

Helping Bath Salt Addicts
In Conclusion
Indeed, if you or somebody you know is in ANY peril of turning into a bath salt abuser or more awful yet, addict, look for help from us here at Ambrosia Treatment Center today. We are aware of how to cause this necessary procedure to go as quickly as could be expected under the circumstances.

Dr. Alam is an internationally renowned psychiatrist with academic affiliations with Northwestern University and University of Illinois, Chicago where he completed his residency training. He has been a principal investigator for over forty studies and has been involved in research leading to the approval of most psychiatric medications currently on the market. He is the founder of the Neuroscience Research Institute which continues to conduct research on cutting edge medication and interventional psychiatry. Dr. Alam is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. He has won several awards and has been featured extensively on radio and television.