UnitedHealthcare (UHC)
Many people experience financial barriers in getting the mental health and addiction treatment they need, which has become a growing problem that no one should have to experience. At Ambrosia Treatment Center, we accept UnitedHealthcare for all clients seeking help, and they offer a wide variety of insurance plans.
UHC is dedicated to helping people access healthcare and making the health system work better for everyone. They have plans available for people in all stages of life. UHC offers health benefit programs for individuals, employers, and beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid. UHC partners with over 1.3 million physicians and 6,500 hospitals and other care facilities nationwide.
Founded in 1974, UHC was formed by a group of healthcare professionals and doctors who wanted patients to have more coverage options. They started programs to help patients dealing with cancer, those needing transplants, and those requiring skilled care in nursing homes. Additionally, UnitedHealthcare started the first network-based health plan for seniors.
In 2023, Forbes gathered information on the best health insurance companies by evaluating regional health insurance providers of all sizes. They ranked UnitedHealthcare in the top three of the best large-coverage health insurance companies. Therefore, NRI is proud to be a UHC mental health and addiction facility in West Palm Beach.
Types of UnitedHealthcare Insurance
Making up a large percentage of healthcare coverage, employer-sponsored plans provide insurance to millions. UHC offers employer plans for small businesses, national accounts, group retirees, and large businesses. These plans include medical, vision, dental, and disability. Employers typically share the cost of these health insurance premiums.
The Affordable Care Act, enacted in March of 2010, made it mandatory for any business with more than 50 full-time employees to offer health insurance to their teams. Also, the law provides consumers with tax credits if their household incomes fall between 100 to 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL).
UHC has individual and family plans available through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace. As a result, many families are eligible for lower monthly premiums for health coverage, and UHC offers various options in the marketplace. These plans are available for individuals and families who are not using employer-sponsored health insurance or a government insurance program.
UnitedHealthcare offers plans for individuals who are self-employed. This includes TriTerm Medical through the Golden Rule Insurance Company, which became part of UnitedHealthcare in 2003. TriTerm Medical is a short-term insurance plan offering coverage for up to three years.
Student health insurance is available for college students through the school’s student health plan programs. Each college has its own student insurance page where students can review the plans offered. Being a student can be challenging. Fortunately, healthcare plans for college students are usually lower cost than health insurance available to the student’s parents through their employers.
Additionally, UnitedHealthcare’s student plans may provide better benefits than if students were to stay on family plans, with a lower cost in deductibles and premiums as well. Student health plans also give students access to school-sponsored and on-site school clinics.
Medicare is a joint federal and state program that provides coverage for people with limited resources and income. Therefore, it cuts costs significantly for a wide range of healthcare services for those who qualify.
UHC offers the following Medicare insurance plans:
- Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans
- Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap)
- Prescription Drug (Part D) Plans
- Dual Special Needs (D-SNP) Plans
Who is Eligible for Medicare?
Medicare is available to United States residents who have lived in the US for at least five years and are 65 years of age or older. However, individuals with a disability that are younger than 65 years may qualify after 24 months of receiving Social Security disability benefits. Lastly, a specific diagnosis may qualify an individual for Medicare, such as End-Stage Renal Disease or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Medicaid is a federal and state program that helps with healthcare costs for people with limited income and resources. When comparing Medicaid and Medicare, the main difference is that Medicaid is available to individuals of low income regardless of age.
Who Qualifies for Medicaid?
Eligibility requirements for Medicaid differ among states and take into consideration the family size and income level. While specific qualifications vary per state, the following groups of individuals may qualify for Medicaid:
- Pregnant women
- Children
- Senior citizens
- People with a disability
- Those in a low-income household (eligibility per state)
Does UHC Insurance Cover Mental Health and Addiction Treatment?
Understandably, the options covered by UHC will vary based on the type of insurance plan a person has. However, most mental health disorders are covered by ACA-compliant health insurance plans. Furthermore, we provide quality treatment in our West Palm Beach-based facility.
We work closely with our clients to ensure they get the best care possible. Our full continuum of care includes residential, partial hospitalization, outpatient, and telehealth mental health services which may be covered by a UHC insurance plan. Since insurance plans vary, we have an online no-obligation insurance verification form to help our clients confirm coverage.

UHC Coverage in West Palm Beach, FL
Contact us today.

Dr. Alam is an internationally renowned psychiatrist with academic affiliations with Northwestern University and University of Illinois, Chicago where he completed his residency training. He has been a principal investigator for over forty studies and has been involved in research leading to the approval of most psychiatric medications currently on the market. He is the founder of the Neuroscience Research Institute which continues to conduct research on cutting edge medication and interventional psychiatry. Dr. Alam is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. He has won several awards and has been featured extensively on radio and television.