
traumatic brain injury and substance abuse treatment

Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Abuse: What’s the Link?

Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Abuse: What’s the Link? Read More »

You’ve been feeling forgetful lately. Maybe you’re having trouble concentrating or controlling your emotions too. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Every year, millions of Americans suffer traumatic brain injuries that can cause these issues. The good news? There are treatment options available, even if you’re battling addiction. This March is National Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month.

childhood trauma and addiction treatment

Childhood Trauma and Addiction: What’s the Connection?

Childhood Trauma and Addiction: What’s the Connection? Read More »

You had a rough childhood. The memories still haunt you years later. Trauma has a way of sticking around. Ever think about how those rough early days might be playing a role in the struggles you’re dealing with now? Research shows that childhood trauma can mess with us both physically and mentally, and it’s even connected to a higher risk of addiction later on.


How Does Trauma Therapy Work?

How Does Trauma Therapy Work? Read More »

Many people will experience trauma at some point in their lifetime. But what is trauma therapy? One of the best things someone could do for themselves if they have experienced trauma, is undergo trauma therapy. A wide variety of experiences can result in trauma. These can include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, a serious injury,


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Versus Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Versus Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Read More »

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) can both be beneficial forms of therapy for those engaging in them. CBT versus DBT benefits depends on a few things. For one, it depends upon what exactly is going on in the lives of those seeking these forms of help. Which one is best suited for

Early Childhood Adversity and Trauma

Early Childhood Adversity and Trauma Read More »

Children can be extremely affected by events that happen during early childhood. Early childhood adversity and trauma can lead to some pretty devastating consequences. When a child goes through a household breaking up due to separation or divorce, it can be confusing. They can think it is their fault, or develop behavioral or developmental problems.

Why Do People Avoid Mental Health Treatment?

Why Do People Avoid Mental Health Treatment? Read More »

In recent years the thought process surrounding mental health has changed, but there are still those who don’t seek treatment for a variety of reasons. Why people avoid mental health treatment varies from person to person. However, receiving the proper care and direction in dealing with things that make life difficult is the best gift

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