Mental Health

Battling the Stigma of Mental Health Services for Healthcare Professionals

Battling the Stigma of Mental Health Services for Healthcare Professionals Read More »

  Mental health services for healthcare professionals can be a hot-button topic. The stigma behind mental health for the layperson is bad enough. But factor in a degree in healthcare, and it is almost as though these professionals are expected to be healthy in all facets of their lives. That is simply an unrealistic expectation

What Causes BPD?

What Causes BPD? Read More »

If someone asks what causes BPD and its corresponding symptoms, it is first crucial to understand exactly what it is. Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD, is a mental health condition consisting of difficulty with regulating emotions, stress response, and relating to others.  It could also mean that someone who struggles with BDP can have extremely

Early Childhood Adversity and Trauma

Early Childhood Adversity and Trauma Read More »

Children can be extremely affected by events that happen during early childhood. Early childhood adversity and trauma can lead to some pretty devastating consequences. When a child goes through a household breaking up due to separation or divorce, it can be confusing. They can think it is their fault, or develop behavioral or developmental problems.

How to Control Your Anger in a Relationship

How to Control Your Anger in a Relationship Read More »

Every relationship has its problems. Some are minor and others lead to explosive and hurtful arguments. But learning how to control anger in a relationship can change these explosive arguments from being damaging and hurtful, to being a constructive and positive way to deal with any problems that may arise within the relationship. Anger can

Why Do People Avoid Mental Health Treatment?

Why Do People Avoid Mental Health Treatment? Read More »

In recent years the thought process surrounding mental health has changed, but there are still those who don’t seek treatment for a variety of reasons. Why people avoid mental health treatment varies from person to person. However, receiving the proper care and direction in dealing with things that make life difficult is the best gift

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