Health Care


Do Healthcare Professionals Suffer from Addictions?

Addiction is something that can affect anyone. Even those who are healthcare professionals and addiction is more common among those in this profession than others. There are many factors that could influence a healthcare professional to use substances as a means of coping. Even though it seems to be counterproductive, addiction does not discriminate. Anyone […]

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Battling the Stigma of Mental Health Services for Healthcare Professionals

  Mental health services for healthcare professionals can be a hot-button topic. The stigma behind mental health for the layperson is bad enough. But factor in a degree in healthcare, and it is almost as though these professionals are expected to be healthy in all facets of their lives. That is simply an unrealistic expectation

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What Are the Symptoms of Xanax Withdrawal?

The symptoms of Xanax withdrawal can be long lasting and extremely uncomfortable for those who are going through them. This medication can be addictive physically, leading to physical withdrawal when it is stopped. Understanding what the medication is, the symptoms associated with withdrawal from it, and how long they could potentially last can help someone

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Does My Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment?

When asking yourself “Does my insurance cover addiction treatment?” it is important to understand that each insurance plan is different. Most of the private health insurance policies through a job, or through the affordable care act, will cover addiction treatment. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) stated that behavioral health treatment needs to be covered as

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Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Coping mechanisms are a person’s way of dealing with the many stressors that life throws our way. Whether it’s anger, grief, or any other negative emotion, we all have ways—some good, some not so good—to deal with our feelings. Read on to learn more about healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms. What are Coping Mechanisms? Coping

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