
Am I An Addict? How To Tell If You’re An Addict

Am I An Addict? How To Tell If You’re An Addict Read More »

If you’ve been using alcohol or other substances in a manner that jeopardizes your physical, mental, or social well-being, you may have asked yourself, “am I an addict?”  Getting an honest and accurate answer to this question can help you determine what changes you need to make, including if you should seek professional addiction treatment,

How Does Family Therapy Help Treat One’s Addiction?

How Does Family Therapy Help Treat One’s Addiction? Read More »

The goal of family therapy for addiction is to improve communication between family members, reduce conflicts, and increase understanding. In this way, family therapy can lead to better relationships and improved functioning within the family unit. Family therapy for addiction helps families understand each other better. Families can unknowingly hurt someone with a substance use

Examples of Powerlessness In Sobriety List

Examples of Powerlessness In Sobriety List Read More »

The 12-step program is based on the belief that one day at a time we can take control of our lives by making positive changes. Many peer recovery groups use examples of powerlessness in sobriety to help participants accept themselves for who they are. Acceptance includes taking responsibility for our actions and accepting that we

Is Trazodone Habit-Forming Or Addictive?

Is Trazodone Habit-Forming Or Addictive? Read More »

Trazodone is an antidepressant that treats depression. It is also used to treat sleep disorders. However, patients should always take the medication as directed by their doctor. Taking too much of the medication could cause serious side effects. One potential danger is that trazodone could be habit-forming or addictive. What is Trazodone? Trazodone is an

The Different Levels Of Alcoholism

The Different Levels Of Alcoholism Read More »

According to MedlinePlus, alcoholism is a severe alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcoholism is also one of the most common mental health disorders, affecting around 15 million Americans over 18. There are different levels of alcoholism with varying severity. The History of Research on Levels of Alcoholism and Addiction Research in alcoholism and addiction is relatively

Addiction Treatment for Healthcare Professionals

Addiction Treatment for Healthcare Professionals Read More »

The healthcare profession can be one of the most rewarding careers, but you are also dealing with a lot of stress. These stressors could lead to addiction. Addiction treatment for healthcare professionals can require special consideration and can be challenging for their ongoing recovery due to the high prevalence of stressors and triggers in the

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