Ambrosia Treatment Center is Open Offering COVID Tests to Clients
While the widespread outbreak of COVID-19 is an utmost concern, please know that the safety and well-being of clients, staff, and Ambrosia’s entire community are top priorities. We’ve implemented systems in place to reduce exposure and transmission of the coronavirus to those we serve, allowing clients to focus on their recovery. Eligible residential clients are able to seek COVID testing as required, prescribed, and or requested with:
- COVID testing available to all clients (as requested or as prescribed)
- Results can be reported back quickly, same business day (in as little as 4-5 business hours)
- Ambrosia’s PCR COVID test is among the most accurate, cutting edge genetic test – that’s why it can be so accurate
- Sample needed is easily taken using swab or your saliva
With Ambrosia’s COVID testing plus safety precautions, why let COVID stop you from getting the addiction treatment you need now.
Advanced COVID-19 PCR Diagnostic Testing
Ambrosia Treatment Center is proud to offer cutting-edge COVID testing. COVID-19 diagnostic testing is done to find out if you’re currently infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the PCR test for diagnosing a COVID-19 infection. PCR tests are reputed as among the most accurate COVID tests when performed properly.

COVID PCR tests are also called a molecular test. This COVID-19 test detects the genetic material of the virus using a lab technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A fluid sample is collected by inserting a long nasal swab (nasopharyngeal swab) into your nostril and taking fluid from the back of your nose or by using a shorter nasal swab (mid-turbinate swab) to get a sample. In some cases, a long swab is inserted into the back of your throat (oropharyngeal swab), or you may spit into a tube to produce a saliva sample. Results may be available in minutes if analyzed onsite or a few days — or longer in locations with test processing delays — if sent to an outside lab. PCR tests are very accurate when properly performed by a health care professional, but the rapid test can miss some cases. These COVID tests when performed during business hours can be turned around with results provided quickly. Results may even be available the same business day or faster, generally within 4-5 hours when submitted to the lab in the morning hours. The PCR test is known to be effective and reliable, while other rapid COVID tests used by other limited treatment centers can have a high false-positive rate.
Addiction Center COVID-19 Vaccinations
We are working tirelessly with our state and local health departments, and we will keep everyone informed as to vaccine eligibility and availability for treatment centers. We anticipate and are hopeful that community health providers like Ambrosia are provided with vaccination capability. Of course, in the interim, the most effective safety measures we can take against COVID-19 continue to be wearing a mask, washing our hands, and maintaining a social distance. We remind our community not to delay care. Our facilities are caring for clients like you.
Currently, vaccinations are made available to limited eligible groups like seniors, front line first responders, and medical providers. But as supplies of the COVID vaccine grows we anticipate that would likely change and enable vaccination distribution at treatment centers.
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What are we doing about COVID-19?
Ambrosia Treatment Center has taken multi-layered precautions, screenings and environmental safety measures to help protect clients and team members from the spread of the Coronavirus. We are admitting patients to Ambrosia Treatment Centers with available vacancy. Call 24/7 for emergency rehab admissions or for future rehab intake today. Our addiction center admissions team is ready to assist and answer your questions without any obligation. Please know while we continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we maintain that those struggling with addiction are best treated under the care of medical staff and addiction treatment professionals. We continue to actively track updates from the CDC, state and local officials and will continue to post updates on this page.
What safety measures have we taken to support our clients and staff? Please know, we are committed to providing the highest level of safety standards identified by health officials and the addiction treatment center community. Our procedures have been heightened significantly for a much greater level of protection for the health and well-being of our employees and clients.
- The cleanliness of our centers is always a top priority for us, now more than ever.
- We have increased the focus and frequency of our cleaning and sanitizing procedures, and we have intensified sanitization measures for high-touch surfaces.
- Our pre-admissions process has been enhanced to exclude and or quarantine potential patients exhibiting potential symptoms prior to treatment
- Moreover, we screen all patients prior to admission to determine personal travel history, potential exposure, potential contact with someone who has traveled to areas of concern, any direct contact by the patients with persons diagnosed with COVID-19, and any symptoms of illness.
- Any patients newly testing positive are not admitted to treatment.
- We’re working to ensure staff at our facilities are not infected with COVID-19 virus. Staff who have traveled to areas of concern, have been in contact with someone in these areas, have been in direct contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, or showing any signs of illness are asked to follow the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, which dictates 14 days of isolation with no symptoms from the time of contact.
- We’re educating and encouraging both staff and patients to practice strict hand hygiene and avoid skin to skin contact. We are also monitoring the health of our patients.
- Our staff have been trained on the effects and symptoms of COVID-19.
- We have also prepared our centers to respond to emerging situations, working closely in collaboration with our local health departments and the CDC.
- Where patients were to develop symptoms testing is prescribed along with quarantine measures to ensure the safety of clients, staff and others.
*Our health records and testing are 100% confidential in compliance with strict HIPAA requirements.
The health and well-being of Ambrosia’s employees, guests and community remains a top priority as we continue to adapt and innovate to continue to best service our constituents. We welcome your questions and concerns so you can learn more about critical addiction treatment available for you or a loved one. During these uncertain times please know you can count on Ambrosia to serve our clients.
We’ve also taken action to better support clients with:
- More inpatient rehab payment plan options
- Admission of qualified inpatient rehab clients 24/7
- Maintaining 24 hour hotline for questions & concerns
- Implemented new health and safety protocols – call for details
- Learn more about our best in class addiction treatment center rehab & detox programs here
Please know all of us at Ambrosia Treatment Center are incredibly thankful for our essential workers and all others serving all of us on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. Of course, this includes healthcare workers to first responders to grocery store, gas station, postal, delivery, auto employees and many more. Thank you for making sure we all have essential services, food and other supplies and critical services. Please stay healthy and stay safe.
Of course, we all may continue to offer our support and thank essential employees while following safe practices to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Lets all continue to wash our hands often and maintain smart social distancing while wearing face covering when around others. We’re all in this together. Thank you to all those who are doing their part to keep the rest of us healthy and safe.
We’re also grateful that all 50 states reopened in so many ways, after the coronavirus thrust our nation into temporary lockdown. We’re excited at serving all our clients the way you’ve come to expect from Ambrosia. We’d love to welcome you to our home for the treatment you so deserve to get your life and future back on track starting today.
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If you have or recently had a fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell, please insure you call your local health care provider and immediately, social distance & avoid contact with others including at all medical rehab centers. Please do not hesitate to call our support team should you need to learn about resources and instructions on obtaining COVID-19 testing for yourself in your local community. Rest assured, we’re working hard to help keep you, all clients and staff safe, that’s why we screen all applicants prior to admissions at our addiction treatment centers.
Coronavirus / COVID-19 update March 30, 2020: Just like you, we’re concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re here to support you, our clients, families, alumni and our communities. We’ll continue to provide up-to-date information so you can learn about treatment options confidently during this rapidly evolving situation and focus on what matters most — caring for your health and your family’s health and safety.
Here are answers to the most urgent questions we have been hearing from our clients. Please know, for important updates, resources, FAQs, and more please visit this page.
Are Ambrosia Treatment Centers, clinics and admissions offices open and available to treat me? We are admitting and caring for and new existing clients and maintaining our 24/7 customer care hotline operating hours. We’ve employed new safety protocols to better serve and protect our clients and employees. Check below for more on that.
How are we assisting potential clients during the COVID-19 pandemic? To help you during these challenging and unprecedented times, we can help you find your best travel options to get to treatment as well as guide you to affordable payment plans options as needed. Please call to learn more.
What safety measure have we taken to support our clients and staff? Please know, we are committed to providing the highest level of safety standards identified by health officials and the addiction treatment center industry. The cleanliness of our centers is always a top priority for us, now more than ever. Our procedures have been heightened significantly for a much greater level of protection for the health and well-being of our employees and clients. We have increased the focus and frequency of our cleaning and sanitizing procedures, and we have intensified sanitization measures for high-touch surfaces. We have also prepared our centers to respond to emerging situations, working closely in collaboration with our local health departments and the CDC.
The health and well-being of Ambrosia’s employees, guests and community remains a top priority as the company continues to adapt and innovate to continue to best service our constituents. Prior and new clients now as always can reach out to us by phone 24/7/365, or through the chat button at the bottom of the page. We welcome your questions and concerns so you can learn more about critical addiction treatment available for you or a loved one. During these uncertain times please know you can count on Ambrosia to serve our clients.
With multi-state locations, Ambrosia treatment specialists are stepping up, helping those in need. We’re considered an essential health services provider and work hard to help our clients make it through these tough times with science-based addiction treatment. We are in the “caring for people” business and that’s why we’re ready to serve our communities that need us now more than ever before.
Coronavirus / COVID-19 update March 25, 2020: During times like this, we want you to know we are in this together. First and foremost, our hearts and thoughts go out to every one of you and your loved one. Precautionary measures have been taken to limit the potential spread of the virus and protect our nation and communities. Our senior leadership team remains vigilant and is monitoring the situation in real time and responding rapidly as conditions evolve. Please be safe and stay healthy. We are here for you. If you wish, you may contact us 24/7 for any concerns or questions.
For the latest information about Coronavirus, visit the CDC’s resource center and get updates from the World Health Organization (WHO). For the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America — 30 Days to Slow the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) please see COVID-19 instructions.
Coronavirus / COVID-19 update March 23, 2020: All of us at Ambrosia Treatment Center want to wish all of you the very best during these unprecedented times. Please continue to follow recommended precautions of hand washing and social distancing. Our prayers are with you and your families. We’re in this together and you can count on us to help even now. During times like these, a safe place for people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction is more necessary than ever before. At Ambrosia Treatment Center, we’re committed to staying on the frontlines during the Coronavirus pandemic. Addiction rehabilitation centers are a vital part of our healthcare system, and we will remain fully operational during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever before, we’re redoubling our efforts to offer a clean, safe & sober environment for you or your loved one to recover. Addiction and mental health care are considered essential services, which means that even during stay-at-home orders, we will continue providing the best drug treatment possible.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We all have to look out for our friends and neighbors during this time, and our operators are standing by 24/7. They’ve been in your shoes before and are available for support and to talk about what’s happening. Thank you for being a part of the Ambrosia family.
Coronavirus / COVID-19 update March 23, 2020: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment is a critical aspect of the healthcare system and is our core business model. That’s why Ambrosia Treatment Center is considered an “Essential Service”. What does this mean? This means that even with a “Stay at Home” order issued by the state of CA or NY as well as other states, we’re able to continue to provide treatment to clients. We are fully open and operational during the COVID-19 pandemic serving and caring for clients. If you are in need of substance abuse help, please know you can rely on us to help during this time of need. We are committed to helping those in need in a safe environment and as always, are available to help 24/7 for any questions or concerns.
Coronavirus / COVID-19 update March 19, 2020: Important Update Regarding COVID-19 Preparedness. Ambrosia Treatment Center is committed to the safety and security of our clients, team members and their families. We are continuing to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 virus safety protocols and have implemented precautionary measures to help ensure we protect the health and welfare of all those we serve. To learn more about each measure we’ve taken, please read below. We understand the seriousness of the Coronavirus illness and will continue actively monitoring the situation for any changes in conditions that may cause us to update our response plan. We take very seriously our duty to care for our patients and team members, and we are confident we can continue operating all of our addiction treatment centers to provide the highest quality of care. If you have any concerns for yourself or for a loved one, please call us.
Ambrosia Treatment Center has implemented a restricted visitation policy. Ambrosia Treatment Center is no longer allowing visitors in our addiction treatment centers with the exception of a primary caregiver who needs training to prepare for a patient’s safe and efficient discharge home. Our primary goal in restricting visitors is to safeguard our patient population from contracting COVID-19 and maintain the health of our clients, staff and families. During this time, phone and video calls are encouraged as alternative methods of communication with patients. Attention potential visitors, if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath or any Respiratory Issues
We ask that you please do not visit Ambrosia Treatment Center at this time. We must take precautions to protect our patients and personnel. At this time Ambrosia Treatment Center cannot accept any visitors with the above symptoms. If you do not have any of the above symptoms and will be entering the facility by necessary appointment, please practice smart Coronavirus hygiene by:
- Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or hand sanitizer.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces regularly.
For any questions and or concerns for yourself or for a loved one, please call us. We’d love to help. Thank you.
Coronavirus / COVID-19 update March 18, 2020: Ambrosia Treatment Center is committed to the safety of our patients, families and staff. We have temporarily suspended all non essential visits to our inpatient programming facilities. We have also canceled all non-essential meetings, alumni events and training for the time being. We have implemented additional infection control measures and are conducting screenings of all incoming patients. As part of our intake screening we take reports for any fever, shortness of breath or travel outside of the country in the last 14 days. Please call our admissions team to speak with a counselor for any questions or concerns. We are admitting a limited number of patients at this time to select treatment centers with available vacancy.
Please rest assured that Ambrosia Treatment Center’s mission is to provide the best-in-class addiction treatment continues today and beyond. While we continue to monitor Coronavirus (COVID-19), we maintain that those struggling with addiction are best treated under the care of medical staff and addiction treatment professionals. We continue to actively track updates from the CDC, state and local officials and will continue to post updates on this page. We are taking necessary precautions to keep all Ambrosia clients and team members safe. Below are some of the steps we are taking to help keep you and your loved one safe:
- Implementing additional pre-screening criteria for admission
- Following regulatory health protocols to safeguard clients and staff
- Ensuring medical staff members are trained to spot virus symptoms and promptly take the necessary action
- Stocking up on sanitary items, including hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray & facial tissues available at all centers and client residences
- Facility tours are postponed until further notice
- Family weekends are canceled through March (applies to all Ambrosia facilities)
We understand that COVID-19 has created uncertainty and will likely continue to do so over the coming weeks. Although these are challenging times, the health and safety of our clients always comes first. For more information and future updates, please visit this page.
Coronavirus update March 17, 2020: At times like this, you can count on Ambrosia Treatment Center. All Ambrosia facilities are fully operational and providing treatment and care to clients as normal. While we continue to monitor Coronavirus (COVID-19), we maintain that those who are struggling with addiction are best treated under the care of medical staff and addiction treatment professionals. Ambrosia is tracking updates from the CDC, state and local officials. Rest assured; we are taking necessary precautions, including:
- Implementing additional pre-screening criteria for admission
- Following regulatory health protocols to safeguard clients and staff
- Ensuring medical staff members are trained to spot virus symptoms and promptly take the necessary action
- Stocking up on sanitary items, including hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray & facial tissues available at our centers and client residences
Although these are challenging times, the health and safety of our clients always comes first. We urge everyone to please follow smart virus prevention tips from the CDC, including:
- Cover your mouth when sneezing and coughing
- Avoid touching your face, mouth and eyes
- Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds
- Clean any high traffic surfaces
- Stay at home if you are sick
For anyone who needs our help, please know that we are open 24/7/365 to serve clients. Please stay safe, and do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions or concerns!
Coronavirus update March 12, 2020: Please know, you can count on Ambrosia Treatment Center at times like this, especially if you need our help. All Ambrosia facilities are going about their day and providing treatment and care to clients as normal. While Ambrosia Treatment Center continues to monitor Coronavirus (COVID-19), we maintain that those who are struggling with addiction are better treated under the care of our medical staff and addiction treatment professionals. Our staff remains vigilant and proactive. The safety and well-being of our clients, staff, and communities remain our top priority. Safety is of utmost importance and guides our efforts. Effective immediately, we reserve the right to limit and or suspended any local outings as maybe required by regulators until further notice. The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are instructing anyone who may be visiting high-risk countries, including Italy, China, South Korea, and Iran, to be familiar with recommendations to self-quarantine for 14 days upon return. Pursuant to our prior safety protocols, additional intake screenings are required for any individuals with recent travel outside of the USA or with potential symptoms.
Please know we’re committed to supporting you and your loved ones during this time of uncertainty. We’re continuing to deliver high-quality treatment for our clients. Our counselors, support staff, therapists, and community teams are ready to help clients and their families with any needs. We’re also sharing our best tips on how to stay safe at your local home, job and community. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends taking the following steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Wash your hands often
- Avoid touching your face
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
In today’s news reports you may note that the U.S. is banning entry to those travelling from the 26 European countries which form the so-called Schengen Area, where there are no passport checks between internal borders. These nations are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The European travel ban is slated to last 30 days but “restrictions will be adjusted subject to conditions on the ground.” The benefits of this travel ban is “To keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States,” pursuant to president Trump’s statement on Wednesday. Most people who have been in these countries in the 14 days prior to their scheduled arrival in the United States will not be allowed into the country.
We’re here to help. Our treatment center teams are available and ready to help you get into treatment. Ambrosia remains committed to our work treating our clients and supporting their families. On behalf of the entire Ambrosia family, we’re here for you.
For the latest information about Coronavirus, visit the CDC’s resource center.
Coronavirus initial update: Ambrosia Treatment Center is actively monitoring updates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as state and local officials for the Coronavirus, also known as the COVID-19 virus. New precautionary safety measures have been enacted for the safety of our clients and staff. We are aware of the potential for a high rate of transmission from a Coronavirus sickened individual especially with full blown symptoms. Thus, Ambrosia’s admissions team has already implemented new pre-screening protocols for all new patient admissions. Potential clients who have traveled outside of the USA or were treated for a respiratory infection in the past week will require further evaluation and assessments before they are admitted to our facilities. These individuals may be denied admissions in accordance with our new Coronavirus safety protocols. Additionally travel to and from any Coronavirus hotspots will assessed as a pre-requisite and as part of our intake process prior to admission.
Please rest assured that Ambrosia is taking extra precautions to keep all clients and staff members safe and healthy. Hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, facial tissues and other cleaning supplies are available at our centers and client residences. Medical staff will continue to monitor the health of all patients throughout their stay and promptly address any symptoms as necessary. Our cleaning staff will continue to maintain each center and insure in particular that high traffic areas are well cleaned and sanitized.
While we understand the concerns of our therapeutic community, we maintain that those who are struggling with addiction are better treated under the care of our medical staff and addiction treatment professionals.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends taking the following steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Wash your hands often
- Avoid touching your face
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
We are urging all clients and staff to adhere to these guidelines. Ambrosia Treatment Center pledges to keep our clients and their loved ones updated and informed about the Coronavirus as the situation progresses. The safety of our clients and staff is paramount. We will continuously monitor the situation and enact safety protocols as needed. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.